Okay, folks, here is a critical action alert, and your chance to make a difference.
SB89 is going to be voted on TODAY in the Senate. This is a bill that throws out protections for any bodies of water in the state that are not “navigable.” This includes wetlands, headwaters, and streams feeding into larger streams. And, pollution of these waters can eventually ready our ground water, which over 30% of Kentuckians use for drinking water. If this passes, anyone will be able to pollute any body of water as long as you can’t get a boat in it.
What to do:
- CALL the LRC Comment Line at 800-372-7181 any time after 7 AM and before 1 PM. (Senate goes into session at 2, and they won’t get your message.
- Give the person answering your name and city.
- Tell them who your message is for. You can either choose your own senator, or the entire Senate.
- Tell them you are calling about SB89. Your message is to “Vote NO on SB89.”
- The entire process will take about 90 seconds.
- SEND an email to your senator. You can use the Sierra Club online tool, or send one directly to your senator. (If you don’t know who your senator is, use this tool to find out.)
- Or, USE Resistbot to send an email to your senator. Go to Resist.bot to get started. It works with any text service, but works best with Apple Messages, Messenger, Instagram, or Telegram. Or, you can just send “resist” to 50409 on your phone.
Do it now! This bill is on the fast track, and we only have a few hours to make our voices heard.
And, THANKS for being a part of the Forward Kentucky Action Alert Network!