Analysis: Cuts to Medicaid will shift costs to families and providers, and will be especially harmful to rural communities
Includes Kentucky-specific interactive map
Includes Kentucky-specific interactive map
The rural vote, combatting partisanship, and showing up: how a Democratic governor increased his popularity among rural voters.
“We’re becoming the adults in the room. No one else is gonna figure this out for us.”
Grocery stores take a lot of electricity to operate. A REAP grant is helping a rural business in East Kentucky hold down energy costs for the long haul.
Vance wears the term hillbilly like a costume, but I can see through it.
William Turner, author of “Harlan Renaissance,” says JD Vance ignores key players in Appalachian life.
Kentucky’s rules limiting number of healthcare professionals able to diagnose black lung makes applying for compensation by miners increasingly difficult. Currently, the entire state has one pulmonologist legally qualified to assess for the disease.