The greatest threat to Social Security in its 90-year history
Donald Trump and Elon Musk are planning to utterly demolish Social Security’s workforce to pay for billionaire tax cuts.
Articles by outside authors. See the article for the author and contact information.
Donald Trump and Elon Musk are planning to utterly demolish Social Security’s workforce to pay for billionaire tax cuts.
Even so, the “Jackpot Justice” bill will probably become law.
An important perspective from someone who has been there
A recent executive order by President Donald Trump stops transgender, intersex and nonbinary people from updating the gender marker on their passports. Now, some Kentuckians say they are getting passports with the wrong gender marker.
Says he has filed legislation to “rein in” Elon Musk
Republican Piagentini’s ordinance passes
Clear, straightforward laying out of the facts
Would allow pollution of more than half of Kentucky’s water bodies, including groundwater
Almost 5% of our voting-age population is not allowed to vote.
Roberts publicly shares home address of a state employee
We have one of the best workplace safety records in the country. Why throw it away?
What was, and what could have been
And hundreds of thousands will be affected
The bill would cut back enforcement of state worker protections to federal minimums. It’s part of a history of bills designed to put fewer restrictions on employers.
Passing these bills will be the death-knell for smaller local papers
It’s a really bad time to allow coal companies to cause more floods