Do you like surprises? Some people do, while others don’t. But here’s one surprise I get everyone hates:
Showing up at your polling place, only to learn that you aren’t registered to vote.
Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen, shall we?
Just click the button below to go to the Secretary of State’s Voter Information Portal. There you can request an absentee ballot, look at a sample ballot for your location, and more. But what we care about today is the second choice: Review Your Registration.

When you click that, you go to a screen where you enter your legal first name, legal last name, and date of birth. Once you do that and click Submit, you will get a screen with your voter information, your precinct and districts, and more. You’ll also see your election-day polling location.
If you aren’t registered, you’ll get an error message telling you that there was “No public record found for this name and date of birth.” Oops! Time to hit that third button – “New/Update Registration.”
That’s all there is to it! So, click this button and go check, just to be sure. AND, share this link with everyone you can so they can check as well.
After all, no one wants any surprises when it comes to voting this fall!
Tip Jars |