Via press release from BGAA
We wanted to share with you an exciting opportunity to meet the candidates running for office in the Lexington-greater area! We all know the importance of elections. Unfortunately there are few opportunities to meet candidates who have primaries. BGAA is here for you. We realize you get plenty of long emails, so we will make this short. See below for information:
Date: This Friday, May 3, 2024
Time: 5:00-7:00 PM
Event is free, but please RSVP below if possible
Location: Downtown Central Lexington Public Library in the Farish Theater
Candidates speaking
Candidates will speak in order of their district and by last name alphabetically as follows:
State House
HD 45 - Adam Moore
HD 56 - Chantel Bingham
HD 56 - Miche Branscum
HD 76 - Josh Buckman
HD 76 - Anne Donwoeth
HD 76 - Jamie Palumbo
HD 93 – Rep. Adrielle Camuel
HD 93 - Sarah Ritter
State Senate
SD 27 - Molly G Crain
6th Congressional District
Randy Cravens
Todd Kelly
Don Pratt
Jon Richardson
Shauna Rudd
Format of the program
- Candidates will make their way to the front row of seats.
- Due to limited time, candidates will be given three minutes to introduce themselves, highlight accomplishments, goals, long term plans, etc.
- A yellow flag will signal 30 seconds remaining.
- A red flag will signal the end of the candidate’s three minutes.
- After all of the candidates have spoken, there will be an informal time for them to mingle with audience members and answer questions.
Links to RSVP that you are attending
Here are the links to the Facebook invitations:
- In the private group -
- The public link -
Please help us advertise. We really hope to see you there!