When people start following the Kentucky General Assembly (KYGA), one of the first questions they have is about the schedule. Specifically, why does the schedule change from year to year?
The answer is easy, once you know the key:
- In even-numbered years, the KYGA meets for 60 legislative days, and one of their main tasks is passing a two-year budget for the state.
- In odd-numbered years, they meet for only 30 legislative days, and don’t have any assigned tasks.
In the past, short sessions were mainly about cleaning up mistakes and omissions from the previous long session. And, the opening week was mainly given over to housekeeping issues, after which the Lege would adjourn until February.
But in recent years, the Repubs have rolled in with significant bills they want to pass, even in the first week. So, pay attention to the news from the opening gavel.
Here is this year’s KYGA schedule:
