Forward Kentucky has been a member of the Kentucky Press Association for a number of years, and our publisher, Bruce Maples, has been on the board for three years. (He’s serving as Treasurer for 2024.)
KPA holds an annual convention in January of each year, and one of the main features of the convention is the awards banquet. Every member of KPA can submit one or more entries in the KPA Journalism Contest, in divisions that match their size and subscription count. Forward Kentucky is in the Small Daily Newspapers division, because we post stories more or less every day.
At the KPA Convention just finished, we won two awards in our division:
- 2nd place for Best Editorial Writing (based on this piece about why appeasement didn’t work with Hitler, and it won’t work with the MAGA Republicans)
- 1st place for Best Analytical Story (based on our series on the climate risk facing Kentucky)
It’s always fun to put our stuff up against the “big boys” in the state, and see where we rank. It’s even more fun to win one or two! We thought all our readers would enjoy knowing about this, and that other journalism folks think our work is good enough to be recognized.