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Important Update #1, plus Weekly Newsletter

This is going to all our members AND being published on the site, because it’s that important. Read on!

6 min read
Bruce Maples
Bruce Maples, publisher

Good evening! There are a number of important changes and updates coming to Forward Kentucky over the next few weeks. So, rather than try to cram them all into one story, I'm going to do one a week as part of our weekly member newsletter, that goes to all our members. (If you aren't already a member, sign up here
    The big news this week is that we are now recruiting sponsors of our various newsletters and media channels. More on this below. But if you are a decision-maker at an organization, I hope you will consider becoming a ForwardKY sponsor.
    More to come in the next few weeks. And as always, thanks for being a member of Forward Kentucky!



You can now become a Forward Kentucky sponsor!

That’s right – you can now get your organization’s message in front of a key demographic: citizens who are actively engaged in making a difference in our state.

Our readers and viewers are some of the most influential leaders and activists in Kentucky. Having them know your organization’s name, and purpose, and results, can make a big difference in your outreach and in your work.

As we start out with signing up sponsors, we are keeping the cost low. (Like, real low!) So, you can purchase multiple sponsor slots without breaking the bank.

There are slots for text messages, included in a block within a newsletter. There are pre-roll and mid-roll slots for our podcasts, either recorded by you or by one of our staff. And, there are pre-roll and mid-roll slots in our videos, where you can provide the video or we can create it for you.

Want to learn more? Want to give it a try? Just go to the sponsor page and sign up! Once you do, we’ll be in touch about your message, the dates you want, and the slots you purchased. It couldn’t be easier!

Read more here, then get your organization or business to purchase as many slots as you want. Become a sponsor today!

This Week’s Content

Most-Read Article

On the MAGA madness in Congress and the country
The House Republicans have chosen a far-right Christian nationalist Trump supporter with a good smile and pleasant personality. What does this tell us?

The Rest of the Content

New anti-Cameron ad
Defending Bluegrass Value, the PAC supporting Beshear, has released a new anti-Cameron ad featuring comments that are supposedly from various Kentucky voters. Watch it here.
News & Notes for Friday
Snippets and blurbs across the news-o-sphere.
Moderates and independents – there’s no place for you in today’s Republican Party
The election of MAGA Mike Johnson to the House Speakership means many things, but Beau of the Fifth Column points out one specific conclusion from that vote.
People, get ready for more fraud from Donald J. Trump
He’s going to commit voter fraud in 2024. How? Read on to find out.
Does MAGA Mike Johnson’s election prove all the GOP has now is hate?
In Johnson, the GOP have found the perfect embodiment of their deplorable basket of hatreds - the only “loves” are rightwing billionaires, the fossil fuel industry & of course Trump’s buddy, Putin…
Who is Mike Johnson? New U.S. House speaker belongs to GOP’s religious conservative wing
Get to know the newly-elected Speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson.
Anthony Piagentini found guilty by Ethics Commission
This week is our last with guest host Allison Wiseman, who talked to us this week about an ethics committee’s conviction of Anthony Piagentini, and what might result from it. Robert talked about Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg’s state budget request, and there are some quick hits.
The Colonels of Truth w/ Adrielle Camuel
Kimberly, Doug, & Nate cover the breaking political news from Kentucky as the Governor’s race enters the home stretch.
Kelly and Joe Craft give the max to Trump’s rivals in GOP field for president
Former president did not endorse his U.N. ambassador in her run for Kentucky governor
UAW reaches tentative deal with Ford
“We won things nobody thought possible.”
Thursday morn News & Notes
Blurbs, snippets, and excerpts – plus a few Tweets.
Bruce’s Take: Ethics and Appearances
The first of a new video series by Bruce Maples, with this one talking about ethical issues in Louisville.
John Schaaf: Beware a radical KY constitutional amendment in the works
Corporate school lobbyists want private operators to get a foot in the door and a hand in the pocket of Kentucky taxpayers
News Snippets for Tuesday
Snippets from news stories about politics and governing.
Beshear defends pandemic work as Cameron cites learning loss, makes false claim about founder of Planned Parenthood
Lots of back and forth, with Cameron repeatedly saying Beshear was lying.
Would Daniel Cameron really have rolled the dice with Kentuckians lives?
Republican candidate for governor should explain his ‘implausible’ claim
An interview with Sierra Enlow, candidate for Ag Commissioner
One of the most impressive candidates we have ever interviewed, Sierra Enlow is perfect for the Ag Commissioner role. Watch and listen to find out why!
Cameron blending bigotry and bonkers
According to Daniel Cameron, this race is between normal and crazy. Well, guess who’s really digging into the crazy?



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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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