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Look what the GOP just did to Kentucky

And Comer, Guthrie, Barr, and Rogers all voted for it

2 min read

Today, the GOP in the U.S. House voted through their budget bill, 217-215. All the Dems voted against it, along with one (1) Republican – our own Thomas Massie.

But four of our Congress-folks — Comer, Guthrie, Barr, and Rogers — all voted for it.

In fact, Rogers bragged about voting for it in a letter to constituents.

In case you haven’t been following the news, this bill makes room for the giant tax cuts that Trump promised to the millionaires and billionaires. (And to Musk, who is a trillionaire.)

And how, pray tell, are they going to pay for these tax cuts? By gutting Medicaid and CHIP, the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

That’s right – they voted to harm hundreds of thousands of Americans, all so the very rich can get ANOTHER tax cut.

So why did I call this “what the GOP just did to Kentucky”? Because, folks, I’ve got the numbers. And they ain’t pretty.

Impacts of proposed Medicaid cuts by 119th congressional district

Estimates of average Medicaid/Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) reductions in federal spending and enrollment based on Republican budget proposals, by congressional district. (From this data set)

covered by
Reduction in
James Comer (R)
212,276 $2.66 B 82,000 39%
Brett Guthrie (R)
209,702 $2.62 B 71,000 34%
Morgan McGarvey (D)
196,492 $2.46 B 78,000 40%
Thomas Massie (R)
163,589 $2.05 B 64,000 39%
Harold Rogers (R)
285,802 $3.58 B 95,000 33%
Andy Barr (R)
176,152 $2.20 B 85,000 49%
Totals 1,244,013 $15.57 B 475,000 38%

Look at that – just look at it! Almost half a million Kentuckians losing their health coverage. And for what?!? So Elon Musk can get a tax cut?!!?

This is what Trump and his GOP enablers have just done to you, Kentucky. All for their rich donors, and for fear of the Orange Octogenarian and his hordes.

As the pain and suffering rolls across our state from these cuts, file this away for the next time you are in a voting booth. Remember who did this to you, to your children, to your neighbors, to the kids your kids go to school with, to the senior adults down the street. Remember this vote, Kentucky.

And pay it back in spades in 2026.


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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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Stand Up For Science rally draws 300 to Frankfort

Nearly 300 stood in the blustery cold in front of the capitol in Frankfort Friday to hear doctors and scientists lead them in chants like “Science not silence,” “Science saves lives,” and “Who is science for? — Everyone.” The rally was part of more than 30 Stand Up For Science gatherings

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