Protest in Frankfort on Tuesday
At the Capitol from 11 AM to 1 PM. Hosted by 50501 Fifty Fifty One Protests.
Articles that promote active involvement in the political process, including rallies, protests, campaigning, and other ways to take action. Note that Action articles are often deleted once the action is no longer current.
At the Capitol from 11 AM to 1 PM. Hosted by 50501 Fifty Fifty One Protests.
This Saturday from 11 AM to 12 noon at IBEW 369
I guarantee there will be something in here that EVERYONE can do.
And, if you ARE already registered, have you CHECKED YOUR REGISTRATION?
Got your attention? Good! Now click the link below and check to make sure you’re ready to vote in this critical election.
Want to see Erin Marshall defeat Jamie Comer? Jump to the bottom of the story and hit the Donate button!
Please take five minutes to call the Legislative Comment Line at 800-372-7181 and leave these two messages: * The Anti-DEI bill, SB 6, is back in front of the Senate. Since it has already passed the Senate and House, but was changed in the House, if the Senate approves it as
A train wreck of a bill is coming up in committee on Wednesday. Read on to see why it is so bad, then call the number to register your voice with your senator!
Join a statewide day of action to oppose HB 500
People all across the state see what a bad bill HB 5 is. Let us hope our legislators eventually do as well.
Have you ever thought about working on a campaign? Here’s the details on what’s needed and how to get involved – with a place to sign up!
While you are thinking about gifts for friends and family, consider adding these to your gift list.