Articles linked to podcasts and videos, either produced by Forward Kentucky or from other sources.

Senate priority bills + other updates
Jazmin is back this week and she walked us through the ten bills the Senate is prioritizing.

Joanie Prentice on this year’s General Assembly
We’re joined by bill-tracker-extraordinaire Joanie Prentice, to get her take on the good, the bad, and the ugly in this year’s session of the Kentucky General Assembly. Which bills are moving, and are they good or bad? And WHY are those particular bills moving? Join us to find out!

Project 2025’s Path of Destruction
While Trump and Musk are busy sucking the air out of the room, their lackies are tearing apart the federal government. How do we know? Because we found a site that tracks it.

Let's get LOUD KY w/Shameka Parrish-Wright VOCAL-KY
Frankfort news from Rep. Adrielle Camuel, and an interview with Louisville Metro Council member and head of VOCAL-KY, Shameka Parrish-Wright

Mitch McConnell retires
This week Deric Senecal joined Robert to talk about what's next for Kentucky's US Senate seat now that Mitch McConnell has decided to retire, as well as a session update. Deric also spoke about Louisville Young Democrats.

Hear the Polish foreign minister tell the truth about Ukraine and Russia
Clear, straightforward laying out of the facts

The book burnings have begun
We remember the book burnings in Nazi Germany. But do you know about the book burnings currently going on in our own country? Bruce Maples explains.

The worst thing Donald Trump has done
Donald Trump has done some radically bad things in his first month in office. But there's one act of his that is worse than all the others. Publisher Bruce Maples names it, and explains just why it is the worst.

An interview with Logan Gatti
The Louisville Dems chair on how it’s going and what his dreams and goals are for the future

Lots of bad bills and a couple of good ones
This week Robert and Allison Wiseman talked about the JCPS superintendent search as well as several bills making their way through the legislature.

Welcome to the Resistance, Mitch
A somewhat surprising vote from Mitch, and the political FALLout of his likely retirement, then a CALL TO ACTION about a bad bill in the KY General Assembly.

Session catch-up
This week Robert and Jazmin went over several updates about the 2025 legislative session, and a few more quick hits.

Yes, your hair should be on fire
Of all the tsunami of crap going on in Washington, there are two things that should absolutely set your hair on fire. Publisher Bruce Maples lays them out for you.

Pam Stevenson running for US Senate, Mitch McConnell on 60 Minutes, and bourbon tariffs
This week Jazmin explained a plethora of news stories and Robert went in depth about the impact of potential tariffs on the bourbon industry.