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The 10 tactics of fascism

From a video by Jason Stanley of Big Think

3 min read

Solid, concise, well-done. Please share.

Summary of the ten tactics

  1. The mythic past. “In the past, we were great. The dominant racial group ruled over others. And that’s been taken from you by (insert demonized group here).”
  2. Propaganda. Fascist propaganda is based on a “friend vs enemy” distinction.
  3. Anti-intellectualism. Since fascism is a cult of the leader, the leader decides what is true and what is false. Science pointing out facts, and institutions that teach there could be multiple perspectives, are a threat to the fascist leader.
  4. Unreality. The core of democracy is the truth. “You’re not free if you’ve been lied to.” To rip the heart out of democracy, you get people used to lies.
  5. Hierarchy. Once you have a hierarchy set up, you can then make people scared of losing their position in that hierarchy.
  6. Victimhood. Once you convince people they should be higher on the hierarchy, you can then convince them they are victims of equality.
  7. Law and order. The members of the dominant group are, by definition, law-abiding. The members of the minority group who accept their subservient role are law-abiding. And by definition, the leader can’t violate law and order. Law and order structures who is legitimate, and who is not.
  8. Sexual anxiety. Fascist leaders always go to “your women and children are under threat. You need a strong man to protect your family.” Thus, gays and trans and others are a threat. You might not like my rhetoric, or my womanizing. But you need someone like me to deal with this.
  9. Rural-urban divide. “Cities are full of crime, decadence, immigrants. The REAL Americans, who know what REAL work is, live in the rural parts of our country.”
  10. “Work shall make you free.” The minority group is lazy, and need to be made to work. Labor unions are trying to make it even easier for these lazy people.

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Stand Up For Science rally draws 300 to Frankfort

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