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The GOP Obituary

3 min read

Written by TalkBaja on Daily Kos

The Republican Party is Dead.

Take my word for it, as a lifetime conservative and registered Republican until 2016 when I left the party and registered instead as an Independent.

The old GOP is dead and gone.

The real RINOs are all of these pretend Republicans today who have hijacked my former party where lies, fraud and immorality is not only tolerated but celebrated; lifted up a convicted felon to be candidate for the highest office in the nation. Someone who literally stole from a charity for children's cancer.

These saboteurs today are working to abandon our former allies who stood by our side and fought to defeat fascism to embrace our historic enemies who hate our country and way of life, dictators and fascists, elevating Vladimir Putin over our own national security advisors.

My father - God rest his soul - would be turning in his grave if he knew what had become of the party he once loved, supported and so firmly believed in.

Donald Trump and his Orange Kool-Aid drinking MAGA followers have completely destroyed the old Republican party and are like a wolf in sheep's clothing, hiding behind the Republican name while working to systematically tear down and destroy our democratic institutions.

This election is not just a choice between 2 candidates of opposing political parties. We are choosing between right and wrong, good and evil, freedom and fascism.

Those are our choices on the ballot: Kamala Harris - a career prosecutor and Donald Trump - a twice impeached convicted felon still under federal indictment.

But don't kid yourself, no matter which way you ultimately decide to vote this year; the Republican party is NOT on the ballot. 

Any remaining leaders of the Grand Old Party have all been rounded up and massacred, with a few fortunate enough to die first of natural causes and retain some dignity.

The remaining red minions all ran to get in line, tripping all over themselves in an effort to be the first to swear an oath to their conqueror, the new Orange Jesus.



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