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Use your lunch break to save your lunch break

Join a statewide day of action to oppose HB 500

1 min read
Photo by engin akyurt / Unsplash

An action alert from KCEP

House Bill 500 would strip workers of their right to lunch and rest breaks, and jeopardize pay for travel between job sites. Kentuckians across the commonwealth are planning to use their lunch break TODAY to tell lawmakers to vote NO on HB 500.

Join the day of action by calling 806-230-5179 and telling lawmakers: “Vote NO on HB 500! Working people need you to protect rest breaks, lunch breaks, and travel and overtime pay!”


Action promoted by the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy.
Read their analysis of HB 500 here.

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Stand Up For Science rally draws 300 to Frankfort

Stand Up For Science rally draws 300 to Frankfort

Nearly 300 stood in the blustery cold in front of the capitol in Frankfort Friday to hear doctors and scientists lead them in chants like “Science not silence,” “Science saves lives,” and “Who is science for? — Everyone.” The rally was part of more than 30 Stand Up For Science gatherings

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